The kit and accompanying guide booklet will make bourbon nosing and tasting an even more pleasurable experience and dramatically increase your bourbon tasting and nosing skills!
Shipping Included to USA, Mexico, Europe and Caribbean-wide.
Introduce a series of key reference bourbon aromas!
Educate you regarding bourbon nosing terminology/vocabulary!
Explain the nosing and bourbon tasting process!
Identify the key aromas to be found in your favourite bourbons!
With the unique Bourbon Aroma Kit and accompanying explanatory guide!
The Bourbon Aroma Kit contains 24 aroma nosing samples carefully selected by the leading specialist Aroma Scientist, from the Aroma Academy Dr George Dodd.
This superb kit includes a booklet guide to not only “ lead you through” the individual aroma samples but also through a recommended process for Bourbon nosing and tasting!
Charred Oak aroma
Brown Spices aroma
Rye aroma
Tobacco aroma
Maple Syrup aroma
then, the Bourbon Aroma Kit has the answers you have been looking for – and lots more!
A Bourbon enthusiast
looking for a present for a Bourbon enthusiast or are an industry professional.
The Bourbon Aroma Kit is a “must have” item!
Leading Bourbon companies
Brand Ambassadors
Bourbon Connoisseurs
Bourbon Clubs & Societies
Bourbon Enthusiasts worldwide
24 aroma samples that cover the spectrum of aromas typically found in Bourbon
An explanatory spiral bound (for ease of use) booklet guide
Blank Aroma Strips
Nosing and Tasting Record Sheets
All packaged in an attractive presentation box.